Fear…And It’s many forms

Fear. What is fear? This thing has destroyed so many lives. We kill in the name of fear. We hurt in the name of fear. We lie in the name of fear. We hide in the name of fear. We have been encased in the energy of fear's falsity for so long, that it seems real to many. The energy of fear has been so prevalent in our culture, and race for so long, that we have taken fear to be our truth and our reality, forgetting that it truly is just a distorted perspective of the truth. The truth of all, in which only love is real, only love.

Fear, no matter its form, is a very real thing to people. Have you ever met, or perhaps you are this person. Have you ever met a person who is scared of heights, or certain insects, like spiders, or of being in enclosed spaces? These people have physical reactions to their fears. I have seen grown men and women pee their pants, shake, sweat, cry, beg, plead, pray, and just lose all control of their facilities because of this energy of fear. Now, to the layman person, we can't understand their fear, we know that it's irrational and that they need a shift in perception to truly overcome, and deal with this irrational fear, so it is with all fears. Fears are an illusion.

I understand that's not an easy conversation for everyone. You cut on the news, or scroll through any social media, and you will see ad after ad, article after article, confirming this illusion, further supporting the delusion, because hey if everyone else is believing it, it must be real...right??? Wrong! Not truly so. Fear is a distorted perspective of reality, that is seeing things, not from a place of the only truth, which is only loved. Love is all that is real. When we look at fear and see it for what it is, a need for a shift in our perspective, we then reclaim our power from that in which we feared, and we begin to stand in our sovereignty once again. It's time to come out of the caves of fear, stand in the light of your true divine essence, and remember your sovereignty, your divinity, your value, your worth, your reason for Be-ing. You are love, in the flesh. You are light, here to anchor that light onto the Earth, and light up this world. You are a child of the Most High God. Creative, divine, magnetic, loved, valued, worthy, deserving, beautiful, brilliant, bright, and needed. Never forget this. Do not allow the lie of fear to keep you held back any longer my divine beings of grace. Stand in your light, remember you are love, and go be loved. I love you, God loves you, and Angels surround you.

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.


There Are NO Healers.


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